While I have a perfectly good, highly modified Revolution XL 3D printer, I became interested in delta printers and decided a while back to build a Kossel Mini. I sourced my own parts and recycled many parts from my first (long dead) RepRap Mendel. Missing a few key parts and having been distracted by other more pressing projects, I let the incomplete build sit around for a long while until I could no longer let it gather dust and so I got back to it and moved it along.
Kossel Mini in progress
I had printed all the Kossel Mini's printed part using my RXL printer and I needed a couple more parts to break the logjam. The problem was that my RXL no longer worked. The hotend no longer heated and I was printerless. A quick continuity test confirmed that my heater cartridge no longer was able to function. Fortunately, I had a replacement on hand. So I took apart my Micron3DP hotend:
The old dead heating block was covered with years of melted plastic and seemed overdue for a replacement. I cut and stripped the wires on both sides and used butt connectors to attach the new heater block:
After the reassembly of the newly revitalized hotend, I took the RXL for a test drive and printed a couple of Bauhaus chess pieces for a friend with a growing set. The end to this story is a happy one.